W-L-T 3-1-1
Win % .700
Avg Finish 2.00
Ranking Points 220
Avg Runs Scored 10.60
Avg Runs Allowed 10.20
Avg Runs Difference 0.40
Runs Scored 53
Runs Allowed 51
vs. Classes
9U-AA 3-1-1


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
2 4/6/2024 Swing for the Rings 9U-A/AA 3-1-1


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Swing for the Rings 9 IL Gators Kamp 9U 9 Munster Bombers
Game #2 Swing for the Rings 14 Munster Bombers 13 S.I Strikers
Game #3 Swing for the Rings 8 Munster Bombers 7 S.I Strikers
Game #4 Swing for the Rings 7 Midwest Rebels 9U (Holt) 14 Munster Bombers
Game #5 Swing for the Rings 15 Z20 Batz 8 Munster Bombers
Number Player Age
00 Austin Flores 8 and 8 months
1 Brady Roberts 9 and 2 months
6 Jaxon Bruni 8 and 11 months
8 Aiden Holobowski 8 and 10 months
12 Sawyer Gouveia 9 and 8 months
14 Garrett Spear 9 and 8 months
15 Flynn Lindewald 9 and 0 months
16 Matthew Jurcik 8 and 10 months
21 Michael Natelborg 9 and 4 months
26 Frankie Zsuppon 9 and 4 months
30 Brady Lewis 9 and 3 months
44 Owen Oliver 9 and 1 month
99 Lucas Castellano 9 and 2 months

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.